Glacier Point Tour
- Easy touring on machine-groomed route
- 22 miles in 1 to 2 days
- Cumulative gain, loss: +2300', -2300'
- Avg. Relief: 200'/mile
- Topos: Yosemite (15'); El Capitan, Half Dome (7.5')
Bob near Glacier Point
The classic Glacier Point tour can be done as a long day trip, as a short day trip
(not going all the way to Glacier Point), or as a ski-backpacking multi-day trip. There
are also some excellent side-trips that can be taken from this tour, including the
popular trek to the spectacular Dewey Point, Sentinel Dome not far from Glacier Point,
and Ostrander Lake and the Ostrander Ski Hut several miles south of the road.
This is an extremely popular ski touring area, though the crowds thin out quite a bit
once you're a couple of miles from the start. The entire route, from Badger to Glacier
Point, is machine-groomed for skiing throughout the winter. Thus, you can use light
touring ski gear, or even racing (or skating) skis, reducing the effort of the 22-mile
Snow-camping near Glacier Point Road (from left: Bob Akka, Cathy Bianco, Sandra, Carol Palecki, Steve Lear)
The trailhead is at the small downhill ski area, Badger Pass. Be sure to park in the
area that is reserved for backcountry visitors. Follow the groomed route about 5 miles
eastward, and then about 5 miles northward. Note that the final mile to Glacier Point
is continuously downhill; allow plenty of time for the return.
The average elevation of this tour is 7400', so you'll want to do this one mid-to-late

General info and disclaimer about backcountry skiing
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